Brian from USA and Sepideh from Iran applied for and were granted sponsored permanent residency through Brian’s employer.
Nathan (Arnie) and Benita Stein from South Africa applied for and obtained via our office, a Contributory Parent Visa.
Shilpa Shankar from India is a past client who we assisted with a Skilled – Graduate (subclass 485) visa and with whom we have also had ongoing consultations for herself, her family and friends.
Bill Vrettas from Greece recently obtained a sponsored temporary work visa through our office.
Lenka, who was sponsored as a Specialist Pastry Cook by Bohemia Cakes. Lenka arrived in Australia from the Czech Republic to study English in 2008 and thereafter was approved for a temporary work visa and has recently obtained her permanent residency
We first assisted Richard Fearons (a Motor Mechanic from UK) with a temporary work visa. Recently we assisted Richard and his partner with obtaining their permanent residency, sponsored by his employer.
Damian Blumenkranc from Argentina, was a student who successfully applied for a permanent skilled visa subclass 880 (Independent Overseas Student Visa).
MCA successfully assisted Peter and Ruth Martin for a subclass 892 Business skills visa a number of years ago and today they are happily well settled in Australia.
Hanika from Bohemia Cakes (Highett, Vic) sponsor of Lenka (Specialist Pastry Cook from Czech Republic).
Simon Fido, originally from Manchester, England was sponsored as a Branch Manager on a 457 visa and recently obtained PR (subclass 186).
Suku Maniam, his wife Malliga and their son Shahmen from Singapore were assisted by our office for a 457 work visa and later sponsored permanent residency. There were some major challenges with the permanent residency application and thanks to the additional assistance of Harry Grossman, Immigration Law Specialist, success was ultimately achieved.
TRANSLATED: Sungwook Ha, originally from Seoul, South Korea was sponsored as a Spray Painter on a 457 visa and later obtained sponsored permanent residency visa (subclass 186).
Hughie McSherry is an Irish National who successful achieve his temporary and permanent residency as a Building Associate via our office
Wayne Burton originally from Cape Town is an Industrial Engineer who applied with his family for Subclass 175 (Skilled – Independent) visa which was granted in 2011. Today they are well settled in Queensland and plan to apply for Australian citizenship.
Huijun (Monica) Guo from Shanghai, China applied via our office for both a prospective marriage visa (sc300) and later an onshore provisional partner visa (sc820) and will apply for a permanent partner visa in the near future.
원래는 한국 서울출신으로 한국에서 스프레이 페인터로 457비자를 스폰받았고 후에 영주권 (subclass 186)을 스폰받아 취득 하였습니다.
Zeng 通过我们公司成功申请了临时商务签证(Subclass 164),并希望在不久的将来通过我们申请永久商务移民签证 (Subclass 892).
Zeng, from Guangdong Province, China, successfully applied via our office for a Provisional Business Skills visa (subclass 164) and he hopes to apply for a Permanent Business Skills Visa (subclass 892) in the future.
Pamela Van Aswegen born in JHB, South Africa applied successfully via our office during 2010, for a subclass 143 Contributory Parent visa and joined her family in Australia.
Mary Convery is from Scotland and first arrived in Australia in 2011 on a Tourist visa to visit her son and his family. Whilst here, she met her now-husband, Rod and the next year they were married in Melbourne. We later assisted Mary with her temp Partner visa (820) and recently she obtained her PR (801) through our office.
Graham Furman from Cape Town, South Africa was sponsored on a temporary work visa and later a permanent visa.
Michael Tatlock is from the UK and was recently sponsored for a Partner visa by his Australian wife, Heidi.
Barbara Wolfson from USA obtained her permanent residency (Remaining Relative visa) through our office.
James Smith from USA obtained a temporary work visa through our office and we recently assisted him and his family to become permanent residents (Employer Nomination).
Tal Yosha, born in Israel and a family member of a New Zealand citizen, successfully applied with his wife, Niki (NZ citizen) for a permanent subclass 186 visa.
Hanika from Bohemia Cakes (Highett, Vic) sponsor of Lenka (Specialist Pastry Cook from Czech Republic).
Simon Fido, originally from Manchester, England was sponsored as a Branch Manager on a 457 visa and recently obtained PR (subclass 186).